Sunday, November 7, 2010

Went to my church and decided I can't handle the base speakers any longer. Left there and went to my kids church. Loved it. Sunday school was also great. Think I will attend Wednesday service and see how it goes. I love the people in my church but when the base is turned up - I get sick. It is also hard to sit there Sunday after Sunday alone. Too much of Tom there.


  1. We have a woman at our church whose husband died young. She didn't come back to church for months and months. I think, not sure, that she did women's Bible study but I wouldn't be surprised if she dropped that for a bit, too.

    Worship where you are comfortable. If God leads you back to the bass playing church go then.

  2. Oh, by the by, I get the same anxiety with the electronic music. I get physically sick and have even had a panic attack over the sheer volume of sound.
